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Fernando Serapião

Fernando Serapião (1971) is founder and editor of Monolito, published in São Paulo since 2011 and awarded by the 10th Iberoamerican Biennale of Architecture (2016). He has written over a dozen books, such as Guia de Arquitetura de São Paulo (Viana & Mosley Editora, 2005), which received the 7th Young Architects Award (Museu da Casa Brasileira/Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil/São Paulo), and A arquitetura de Croce, Aflalo & Gasperini (Editora Paralaxe, 2011), winner of the Jabuti award. He was responsible for the curatorships of the exhibitions “Nove Novos”, at the Frankfurt Museum of Architecture, and “10+10”, in Vienna, at the Architekturzentrum Wien.